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Homepage of Kazuto Misumi

This homepage is to introduce research and educational activities of Kazuto Misumi (real name: Kazuo Misumi).

Project Research

Project for Formalization in Sociology(Projects for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)

This project aims to develop sociological theory through formalization of classical theories and concepts, and through formal analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.

Interpretive Formalization for Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis

Toward Neoclassical Sociology through Formalization

Formalization for Neoclassical Theorizing and Analysis of Modern Society

2005 Social Stratification and Social Mobility Project

The National Survey project that has been conducted at ten-year intervals since 1955. Through 6th national survey in Japan and national surveys in Korea and Taiwan as well, 2005 project aims to analysis stratification process and structure under globalizaton. The output will be published as three volume books by Tokyo University Press in 2011.

Project on East Asian Stratification Model

In order to develop international comparative study of social stratification fron the standpoint of East Asia, we have explored perspectives, conceptions, and methodology for effectively analyzing East Asian properties of occupational and educational opportunity structures.
We have published the following working papers. Please contact me to get a copy.

Misumi, Kazuto (ed.), 2011, Study of an East Asian Stratification Model, Grant-in-Aid for Sientific Research (B)

Project on Social Capital and Community

Based mainly on quantitative surveys, I conduct research on disaster prevention and reconstruction in local communities from the viewpoint of disaster resilience and social capital.

 ・ 2020~2022Scientific Research (C)(General) No.20K02111, Managed by Kazuto Misumi
 ・ 2023~2025Scientific Research (C)(General) No.23K01795, Managed by Kazuto Misum